After 2 years of waiting, the winners of The Straits Times School of Rock competition , 3 Dash 1, have finally released their debut album, June’s Lucky Bunch. UrbanWire spoke to the band members about their new album at Timbre where they were scheduled to play on Jun 23. of Rock 2005

Here’s what Ashik Sokhaimee (lead vocals, guitarist), 20, Andhika (bassist, backup vocals),21 and Nashir Ayub (drummer),20, have to say about their new album.
UrbanWire: “It’s been 2 years since you guys won the School of Rock. So why the long wait for the album?”

Nashir: “When we won, we expected the recording to begin straight away. However, recording only started 6 months later and even then, we had difficulty booking the studios because we had to find days when we were all free.”

UrbanWire: Who did you guys work with during the recording?

Andhika: Leonard Soosay! He’s the one who helped record Electrico and Firefight.

Nashir: He’s also the reason why we recorded 6 months later. He has a very busy schedule and also he’s very sought after.

UrbanWire: Tell us more about the songs in the album.

Nashir: For one, our genre is pop punk. We all love punk but pop because our songwriter, Ashik, tend to write pieces that has [sic] a pop vibe to it. Every song in the album was written by Ashik and we help him by coming up with a tune to go along if he doesn’t already have one.

Andhika: Also, the songs “If You’re Gone” and “My Crush” were the ones that clinched us the Title for School of Rock. They’re really good.

UrbanWire: So are these the reasons we should buy your album?

Ashik: Yeah. It’s original, it’s unadulterated and it also has a nice cover.

UrbanWire: Haha! By the way, why is your album titled June’s Lucky Bunch?

Andhika: Well, we didn’t really expect to win the competition back then; the other bands were really good. So we felt really luck and since we won in June, that’s the name we decided we should have.

UrbanWire: How far do you guys think you can go as a band?

Andhika: We want to go far but we might end up doing different things.

Ashik: Music is in us. We just want to explore it and maybe not through the same band. [does this mean they may be splitting up???need to follow up] It really depends.

UrbanWire: If you guys could each give credit to only one person for supporting you, who would that be?

Ashik: My girlfriend, for obvious reasons.

Andhika: Erm, my mom.

Ashik and Nashir: That’s because you have no other person!

Andhika: No, really!

Nashir: I would want to thank my Dad.

Andhika: Yeah, his dad is really supportive.

Ashik: During the competition, he was in the crowd screaming “That’s my son!”