(Adapted from Shaw)

This movie is an award winning independent comedy/drama feature film written and directed by Oliver Irving. It is about a young man name Art, having an existential crisis.

After a number of personal setbacks, including a struggling musical career and a recently ended relationship with a girlfriend, Art (Robert Pattinson) moves back home with his cold and neglectful parents (played by Rebecca Pidgeon and Michael Irving). Art decides to use inheritance money to pay for Canadian therapist, Dr. Levi Ellington (Powell Jones) to come to his home in England and help Art get his life back to normal, about which his parents are less than thrilled.

5 pair of passes are up for grabs so tell The UrbanWire in less than 100 words, how you overcome personal setbacks in your life and stand a chance to win a pair of season passes to catch How To Be in theaters free!

What are you waiting for? Send in your name, NRIC and handphone number to contest.urbanwire@gmail.com today!

This contest is done in conjunction with Shaw Organisation.