It’s only been about a year they’ve been playing at Phuture but DJs Eclipse and Ghetto certainly know how to rock the dance floor.


Only 23 this year and a resident DJ, Eclipse has already played at Southeast Asia’s biggest outdoor dance music festival, ZoukOut 2010, while Ghetto was winner of the Singapore DMC Championships 2009 and 2010. The boys were recently crowned Best New DJ in JUICE Singapore.

With Phuture’s anniversary round the corner, we find out how’s the nightlife suiting them and what to expect from the party this coming Saturday, Mar 5.

1. How psyched are you about Phuture’s upcoming anniversary?

E: Pretty excited. Furthermore it’s gonna be my first time DJ-ing for a club with 15 years of music history!
G: I am very excited, as this would be my first time playing at Phuture’s Anniversary!!!! :)

2. What can clubbers expect from the new TEASE Saturdays to be launched at Phuture on Mar 5?

E: More hard hitters and new promos/bootlegs from DJs across the world than your usual radio hits, along with the spanking new podiums and dancefloor mayhem!
G: Musically, clubbers can expect loads of Club Bangers mostly from early 2000’s and older Hip Hop R’N’B in the early hours after which the sound will progressively move to current hits and more electro stuff in the later part of the night.. Also expect loads of fun, dancefloor loving and look out our Phuture girl crew!

3. Flashback! Since we’re celebrating Phuture, let’s take a little stroll down memory lane… when did you first join Phuture?

E: About a year back, but Phuture’s been my party place since I was 18 years old.
G: I joined Phuture on 1st May 2010, still considered a baby in the Zouk family, but I have been partying at Phuture since it I turned legally 18! So this is really special for me to be able to play at the 15th Anniversary.

4. How did you get interested in DJ-ing?

E: It all started off with trying out for fun and things got a little too serious, but I’m not complaining.G: The 1st time I got interested in DJ-ing was when I saw some DJs on TV who were scratching on vinyl. I was like, “What’s that sound?” I took a keen interest then, and was subsequently introduced to DJ Andrew Chow where I learnt the basics and started getting serious about the art of turntablism.

5. What were you doing before then?

E: I started DJ-ing when I was 16, when I was just done with secondary school.
G: I was doing some part time jobs here and there. I’ve never been the studying kind (haha!) and I see my life then as being in the ghettos, hence my DJ name; Ghetto.

6. How has your style evolved from when you first started out?

E: It has definitely become more versatile than before, opening up & warming up for guest DJs has really opened my eyes. Playing week-in week-out, keeping music fresh every week.
G: I have learnt to be more versatile and open to other music genres. And I really have become a better DJ by honing my skills in Phuture although it has only been a couple of months.

7. Tell us what’s life of a DJ like in an average day.

E: School in the day and banging out tunes at night.
G: I sleep a lot!! I need to sleep at least 9 hours a day. Haha.. Usually the 1st thing I do would be to check emails, go to music sites to check out new stuff and of course DJ-ing when Phuture is open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Busy, busy life. But I love what I do!

8. How did you train yourself and learn all the tricks to becoming a DJ?

E: Youtube, practice and jamming with friends.
G: I am more of a turntablist, which is basically a Hip Hop DJ who scratches and cuts on vinyls, I used to spend about 5 hours a day to train and learn new tricks and I always try to use my scratching skills in my sets when I play.

9. What was the first gig you played?

E: At Rouge Club in 2004.
G: I remember the 1st gig I played out for people was at HOME CLUB. It was an opening set for DJ Craze, a 3 time DMC World Champion, and DJ Klever, 2 time USA DMC Champion. I was very nervous and I needed to do a 3 minute scratch routine and an hour club set! Till now, I am still grateful to DJ Ming, DJ Kelvin Loopinmotion and DJ Roy for giving me the chance to open for my idols in the scratch game. It was an awesome and unforgettable first gig.

10. You guys are pretty accomplished. For Eclipse, what is it like to be just 23 and already a resident DJ at Phuture?

E: 23 is not young anymore, but there are still many more things to learn along the way. DJs like Afrojack, Hardwell and Avicii are younger than I am and are already touring internationally. I hope to continue to represent Zouk and play internationally as well.

11. As for Ghetto, DJ Andrew Chow was the one who taught you your basics? How did that happen? You also proved yourself by winning the DMC Championships 2009/2010, what was that experience like?

G: It happened when I used to frequent Phuture and a friend of mine introduced me to him. That was when I started going to his DJ school, and had him mentor me. It was hard work, spending most of the time on the turntables to perfect my skills, juggling work and DJing. But it paid off; I’m able to do what I love today.

12. What kind of challenges have you faced in your line of work and how do you overcome them?

E: Juggling family/work/personal matters, sometimes you just have to sacrifice one for another.
G: When I see that there are times, people on the dancefloor not reacting to certain tracks, especially when introducing new tracks, I will have to try to push the boundaries or tweak tracks depending on how the crowd reacts. Being able to engage the crowd remains a challenge for any DJ.
13.How do you juggle your DJ career and personal life with your unusual working hours?

E: You just have to do it and prioritise things well.
G: A: As for me, it isn’t really a problem because I have always been more of a night person. But I do try to meet up with my friends (in the club, Haha!) to catch up.

14.What are some of the most memorable club experiences/gigs that you have had as a DJ?

E: The best would have to be ZoukOut’s 10th anniversary last year. Being able to play to the kind of crowd there and the entire atmosphere of the festival was truly awesome.
G: Representing Singapore at the World DMC Championships in London. And ZoukOut in 2010. It was the biggest stage for both of the events that I took part.. I am very, very honored and grateful to have been given such opportunities.

15. Lucky charms: any must-have pre-gig warm ups or things you’ve to wear or bring with you when you’re DJ-ing?

E: My Puma watch for sure!
G: I will always wear my favorite acid washed jeans and my favorite black sweats when I go for any big gigs or competition.

16. Hopes for yourself in the coming ears?

E: To achieve even more than what I’ve done in the past few years, to continue to grow and develop as a DJ, and to inspire!
G: I hope I will still be DJ-ing 20 years down the road. Isn’t it great to do what you love to do? :)

17. Advice for aspiring deejays?

E: Practise hard and good luck.
G: Believe in what you love to do, don’t do it for anything and do it with your heart!

OMFG! It’s Phuture’s 15th Anniversary! happens this Saturday on Mar 5!