Million Dollar Money Drop (MDMD), is a game show where the gameplay revolves around “The Drop”. There will be 4 trap doors that each corresponds to an answer and contestants have to place the money on which they think is the correct answer. Cash placed on incorrect answers will drop while cash placed on correct answers will move on to the next question. There are a total of 8 questions.

Photo courtesy of XinMSN Singapore.

The game show became the latest entertainment sensation due to its host, George Young. Apart from being the MDMD host, the FLY Entertainment Artiste is also acting in Season 2 of The Pupil; and hosting the show, artBITES, on Okto. With his killer looks and charm, it’s not a surprise the star became the “new boy in town”, and thus, leading to his growing fanbase.

At the promotional event of MDMD, iScream with George Young, the 31-year-old actor spent his weekend entertaining fans by signing autographs and taking photographs with them.

In between breaks, the hearthrob lip-syncs and grooves to the music being played.

The MDMD van was also known as the “George-mobile” (Named by George).

Screams of  “George!!!” filled the area outside Cathay Cineleisure and before you know it, fans were raving on about his looks. Having only seen their favourite star on TV, his live appearance made everything much more overwhelming for them. The crowd went crazy and the queue seemed never-ending.

The scorching sun and humidity that afternoon didn't deter fans from queueing up and waiting for their turn to meet George.

Hoping to be one of the first 100 who could purchase a copy of 8 days and be entitled to a free goodie bag, Low Wei Xian, 16, didn’t seem to mind the wait. The goodie bag contained a MDMD notepad & lanyard, Glee notebook, T-shirt from The Showdown/The Dance Floor. Also, it contained either a The Pupil organizer, an LG Cinema 3D photo frame or Sealy voucher. She highlighted, “I came as early as 1pm even though the event starts at 4pm.” Free Magnolia sherbet cup & Subway discount coupons were also given to the first 1,000.

Weixian, satisfied with the surprises from the goodie bag.

All good things come to an end, and this event was no exception. Despite the announcement of the end of the event, excited fans were still loitering around and a few lucky ones managed to grab some photos with their idol.

Photo courtesy of George Young.

After the event, the star of the day tweeted a picture of a message book made by his fans, saying, “I shall read your comments + notes whenever I need a boost!”

The event was indeed; I quote George, “a real high” for both fans and himself.