The Singapore Slingers versus Sydney Kings’ game on Oct 28 saw what could possibly be the most impressive feat the Slingers have performed since the start of the 2007/2008 National Basketball League (NBL) season in September.

They might not have completely dethroned the Kings but it was a tremendously commendable attempt to do so as the Slingers were falling behind the Kings with a monstrous gap of 30 points in the 2nd quarter.

Despite this, fans were awarded with a delightful comeback by the Slingers who presented a never-say-die attitude throughout.

1st Quarter Performance

The team went off with yet another one of their signature slow starts as they finished the quarter with a score of 14-33. The Kings were steady with their 3-pointer shots as forward, Jason Smith, scored a hat-trick while Glen Saville and Russell Hinder both netted each of their 3-pointer attempts as well.

2nd Quarter Performance

The period was a real killer as the Slingers slipped further behind with their inability to score their free throws. This, in addition to the fact that the Kings were in top form led to a heart-dropping score of 64-34, with the Kings stretching their lead by 30 points.

3rd Quarter Performance

The team came back from the 1st half of the game revitalized as they fought aggressively for rebounds and opened up their passes. While this gave a glimmer of hope to Slingers fans, the team still had much work to do as their sloppy passes and missed hoop chances gave way to a lead of 26 points as the quarter ended 82-56. Despite Mike Helms leading the point count a good 22 points, well ahead of Kings’ Jason Smith at 15 points, the team still needed an extra effort in order to get closer to the Kings’ lead.

4th Quarter Performance

The magnificent 4th quarter was one that proved the Slingers’ resilience in dire times. With the Slingers roaring back into action as the team wrenched the gap between the leading team and theirs to a mere 5 points, the fans also roared as they wholeheartedly cheered for the Slingers and booed at the visitors. Rod Grizzard’s poor performance in the first 3 quarters was forgiven as the fired-up player shot multiple 3-pointers in succession. Even as a foul by bandaged Mark Worthington on Blagoj Janev gave the Slingers a chance to turn the game around with less than 2 minutes on the clock, time was not one their side as the game ended 99-90 with the Kings in the lead.

Nonetheless, the fans gave the Slingers a well-deserved applause for their laudable effort in bringing the game back.

Coaches’ Comments

As usual, Coach Gordon McLeod had much to say about his team’s performance.

“Overall, I’m disappointed, but very pleased with the 3rd and 4th quarter effort,” he said.

“To concede 60 points in the 1st half, you’re not going to win games. Sydney showed that they are a top team. We were well beaten on the boards, and the points in the paint really hurt us and we panicked a bit, the same as the last game.”

Continued McLeod, “We made some adjustments to both our defence and offence, and all of a sudden our perimeter shots start to drop. But it’s the same old story, we can’t seem to get 4 consistent quarters at the moment. It was great to see the fans get into the game. We were gaining momentum in the 4th quarter but to give a team of this calibre such a big start is always going to be difficult, but it was hell of an effort.”

Kings’ coach, Brian Goorjian, was gracious in his team’s win over the Slingers.

“We probably played our best half of basketball this year in the 1st half, but in the end I’m just happy to get out of here with a win. I have to admit that I was very worried in the 4th quarter, as they had all the momentum. There was too much time left with around 4 minutes on the clock for the game to be ours,” he said.

“2 or 3 of my guys played like the game was over, and we simply lost the plot. The crowd really got into the game, and full credit to the Slingers for the comeback. There is a toughness about their players, and they just never seem to know when to quit.”

Top 3 scorers:

(Slingers) Helm, 31 / Grizzard, 24 / Knight, 15
(Kings) Smith, 19 / Draper, 16 / Saville, 14

The Slingers will be playing their next game against the Perth Wildcats at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Nov 4, 5pm.