UrbanWire has a pair of passes to Singapore Writers Festival and a pair of tickets to the “Brave New Animal Farm” local lecture up for grabs!

Stand a chance to win both the passes and tickets in 3 simple steps:
1. “Like” our Facebook page
2. “Share” the event photo
3. Answer in the comments of the event photo this question – In 50 words or less, describe what Utopia/Dystopia mean to you.

Here are the definitions of Utopia and Dystopia according to merriam-webster:
Utopia: “an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect
Dystopia: “an imaginary place where people are unhappy and usually afraid because they are not treated fairly


Event details
Singapore Writers Festival
When: Nov 1 to Nov 10

“Brave New Animal Farm” local lecture 
When: Nov 3 (Sun), 2.30pm to 3.30pm
Drama Theatre, School of the Arts


About Singapore Writers Festival 2013

What makes a physical place, country or world, utopia? The triumph of good over evil? A perfect balance between nature and development? A community where individual will is never thwarted? Lending itself well to genres like science fiction, fantasy, war and graphic novels, SWF 2013’s theme weighs these questions and more. Beyond these popular genres, narratives and tropes in creative writing and non-fiction which resonate with this dichotomy include violence, familial discord, morality and after-life. The binary embodied in the theme also allows us to look at opposites such as love-hate, innocence-guilt, emotion- rationale, and of course, good-evil, and the dramatic tensions inherent within them.