It was costumes galore at The Arena on May 31 as revelers dressed up as their favourite celebrities for a night of fun, games and serious partying to the turntable magic of the legendary DJ Cash Money.

Everyone there lived Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous that night, with free flow of housepours for all from 10pm-1am and performances by resident live hip-hop band Global Nation and rapper MC Ivory in a wild night of colourful characters organised by Lifestylebash.

DJs Freaky Freddy and Amy warmed the turntables up right after that with some of the current hip-hop hits just before midnight, and with everyone just a little bit tipsy from the free flow, the club’s spacious dancefloor soon became jam-packed with bodies bumping and grinding away, with DJ Freddy joining in the action on the top of the DJ booth’s countertop.


Just as the party seemed to be getting started, the music was killed rather abruptly and the lights came on, much to the bewilderment of some. But this wasn’t some random police raid, though quite a few people were made to step out from the crowd.

DJ Freaky Freddy doubled up as an emcee and began herding couples dressed as recognizable showbiz characters up on stage for the costume contest.

Queer individuals began emerging from the audience, ranging from ancient Greek warriors to pirates to even a Rihanna lookalike.

After some introductions and a whole lot of boogying from each couple, the pair who turned up dressed as the infamous secret assassin couple from the movie Mr & Mrs Smith drew the loudest cheers and won the contest, walking away with $300 worth of whisky in prizes.

Cash Money In The House

When the participants cleared the stage, it was time for the party to get started all over again, but this time, with DJ Cash Money at the helm, working the turntables.

The Philadelphian hip-hop veteran showed the crowd why he is lauded as “The World’s Greatest DJ” in the DMC-Technics Hall of Fame. With some wicked scratching and mixing, he had the dancefloor packed even tighter than before with everyone bopping to the music.

Cash Money wasn’t contented with letting his music do the talking alone. In a habit not really picked up by the newer DJs, he grabbed the microphone and worked the floor into a frenzy of cheers and whooping catcalls with his outrageous one-liners.

No wonder he’s still the only DJ to ever hold 3 world DJ titles at one go, bagging top places in the DMC World Championships , DMC World Supremacy and American New Music Seminar in 1998.

It was a great night, with the party ending just hours before daybreak. Thankfully, the music was a mix of familiar tracks from mainstream hip-hop and R&B, without any of the obscure tracks that have been filling up the playlists in many of the bigger clubs.

However, this also meant that certain tracks were reused, with a couple of them being played up to 4 times by the end of the night. Perhaps it was miscommunication between the 3 DJs, or attempting to make the most of the terribly expensive music royalties, but the frequent music repeats had many people going, “Why is it that song again?”

Fitting The Pieces Of The Puzzle

But that small glitch hasn’t stopped UrbanWire from looking forward to Lifestylebash’s next event at The Arena, the Nuts & Bolts Singles Party!

With a very naughty concept that is here for the 1st time in Singapore, partygoers will be wearing nametags with each guy given a nut at the door while each girl gets bolt. Everyone has to find their ‘other half’ in the form of a nut that fits their bolt and vice-versa. The 1st 100 couples with matching nuts and bolts get to enter the grand lucky draw where they stand to win bottles of vodka and VIP Arena Memberships.

On the side, there’ll be some exciting contests and promotions, like a Couples Drinking Contest and free entry for the 1st 100 ladies to arrive from 9pm – 9.30pm. Of course, not forgetting the free flow of housepours from 10pm – 1am.

So head on down to The Arena this Saturday evening for some cheeky carpentry! You’ll never know whose nut your bolt might fit!

Photos courtesy of The Arena