In conjunction with Festive Films, the UrbanWire is giving away 2 pairs of exclusive movie tickets to the screening of TOKYO! on Oct 11.

Answer the following question with the correct answer and email us at with your full name, NRIC and contact number to stand a chance to be at this exclusive screening which marks the closing of the 24th Singapore French Film Festival.

Question: Michel Gondry directs…

a) Merde
b) Shaking Tokyo
c) Interior Design

Screening Details
Time: Guests to be seated by 7.45pm for screening at 8pm
Venue: The Alliance Francaise Theatre
Rating: M18 (Some Nudity)
Language: In Japanese and French with English Subtitles

Movie Introduction

TOKYO! showcases three visionary film segments set in Tokyo and produced by three notable talents of contemporary cinema.

Shaking Tokyo

Bong Joon-Ho, who previously directed Memories of Muder (2003), also known as Salinui Chueok in Korea, directs Shaking Tokyo in one of the three film segments. This segment tells the story of one of Japan’s many hikikomori – citizens who have withdrawn from all contact with the outside world.

During an earthquake, a pizza delivery girl faints in the apartment of the central character and the unthinkable happens – he falls in love. What unravels is a discovery of a city of hikikomori when the cnetral character decides to leave the shelter of his apartment for the first time in 11 years.


Leos Carax (Les Amants Du Pont – Neuf, 1999) directs the segment Merde (an uncouth french word for “excrement”). We see how a mysterious man, dubbed the “Creature of the Sewers” by the media, spreads panic on the streets of Tokyo through a succession of irrational and provocative acts.

Interior Design

In this segment directed by Michel Gondry , director ofThe Science of Sleep (2006) and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, (2004), Interior Design tells the story of a young couple searching for a future in Tokyo. The young man is set about his ambition as a film-maker while the young lady is aimless and uncertain of her goals. As the couple begins to be drawn and sucked into city life in Tokyo, the young lady, in her state of utter loneliness, begins to change.

Movie Details

Rating: M18 (some nudity)
Release date: 16 Oct 2008
Runtime: 108 min
Version: Japanese and French in English subtitles
Genre: Drama
Directors:Bong Joon-ho (Shaking Tokyo), Leos Carax (Merde), Michel Gondry (Interior Design)
Cast: Kagawa Teriyuki, Aoi You (Shaking Tokyo); Denis Lavant, Jean-Francois Balmer (Merde); Ayako Fujitani, Ryo Kase, Ayumi Ito (Interior Design)