Halloween’s round the corner, and the pallid vampires, bloody mummies and soulless zombies have risen from their graves to join the restless (and alive) nocturnal animals in the Singapore Night Safari for 4 weeks of senseless mayhem. Expect the unexpected, as natural and supernatural inhabitants of the night collide.

The Singapore Night Safari has brought Halloween Horrors to town; transforming itself into a haunted fiesta, filled with various hair-raising activities and ghastly ghouls straight out of your nightmares.

Step through the entrance, and an overwhelming crowd greets you. Though daunting at times, the throng of people actually adds to the bustling, lively atmosphere present. However, the long snaking queues and lengthy waiting time can be quite a mood damper.

The star attractions for the night are of course the talents.

Dressed as various evil creatures from across all cultures, they stick out like a sore thumb among the masses. From the dimsum (a Chinese cusine) seller with a grisly secret to wicked poison ivy and the long tongued pontianak (a female malay ghost), this is racial harmony at its finest.

An interesting path to check out is the haunted Forest Giants Trail – a 20 minutes walk, which begins with the foreboding warning sign, “Proceed only if you dare.”

The entire trail is peppered with screams of thrill-seekers, who were ambushed by the well-placed mannequins and talents. Dressed as various characters- from dead soldiers to pale Chinese vampires- the talents seem to all possess a particular flair for choosing exactly who to target for maximum sound effect. The victims’ squeals often add much hilarity to the otherwise somber walk.

Another “must-do” for the event is the Train of Terror, a 40 minutes tram ride, which takes you across continents and straight into hell.

The first half of the journey starts off along the regular tram route, allowing guests to catch a closer glimpse of the safari’s nocturnal wildlife, a big treat for animal lovers. However, the fun really begins in the second half, when the tram plunges into the depths of the ‘Eternal Torture Chambers’- a part of hell especially reserved for animal abusers.

As the tram navigates the various twists and turns along the route, unholy creatures spring out from every corner. Your attention will be torn left and right, with so much to see, so much to do, and so many terrifying creatures to shriek over. Hoarse throats are a guarantee.

Throughout the evening, do grab the opportunity to take a memorable snapshot with the unearthly creatures of the night. Though quite horrifying to look at, the talents are surprisingly obliging when it comes to photographs, and will gladly pose for you.

Halloween Horrors is by all accounts, a novel experience, and an interesting change from your regular weekend night entertainment. But of course, who are we to judge? Why not check it out for yourself over the weekend and come back to tell us all about your own experience there.

For more information on the event, you can visit www.nightsafari.com.sg


Event Details
Venue: Singapore Night Safari
Date: Oct 10 – Nov 1
(Activities running mostly on Fridays and Saturdays)
Time: 7.30pm – Midnight
Entrance fee: $22 (Adults); $11 (Children 3–12 years)