Wind/Pinball: Two Novels sees internationally-acclaimed Japanese author Haruki Murakami’s earliest works translated into English. The plot centers on the lives of an unnamed protagonist and his friend – the Rat. In the first story, the narrator returns home from college during the summer break, spending time with the Rat. He ponders over writing and women he has previously slept with and wooing a girl with 9 fingers. In the second story, the narrator leaves behind his girlfriend and hometown for a career in Tokyo. He remembers his obsession with the pinball machines back home and goes on a quest to find the exact model of the pinball machine.

Follow these steps and stand a chance to win a copy of Wind/Pinball: Two Novels and a tote bag courtesy of Books Kinokuniya.

1. Follow The UrbanWire and Books Kinokuniya, Singapore on Instagram.

2. Like our giveaway post on Instagram.

3. Comment below what the original titles of the two novels are.

This giveaway runs from December 14 to 20 2018 and is sponsored by Books Kinokuniya, Singapore.

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