The claws are out. Question is, can Hugh Jackman deliver at the Oscars?


We all know what Hugh Jackman is capable of. Leading the X-Men to fight against mutants and hosting the Tony Awards – thrice. He even won an Emmy in 2005 for it. But the Oscars? “In my wildest dreams, I didn’t think it would be for another decade – in the best scenario,” said the Aussie in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Some raised eyebrows and others cheered at the choice of host. Frankly speaking, we’re relieved (refer to bad gigs by Chris Rock and Ellen DeGeneres). We can’t wait to see what the charming actor will be up to come Feb 22. For starters, Jackman quipped, “I’m planning on getting nude for a lot of it.” Ladies, you’ve been warned.

To get into the mood, we would like to offer Mr Jackman 10 suggestions on what to do on Oscar night – nudity not included (UrbanWire’s a family-friendly e-zine).

1. Spontaneously grab your Aussie mate and co-star of Australia Nicole Kidman, who is known to be very shy, onto the stage. Plant a big kiss a la Adrien Brody-on-Halle Berry.

2. Utter “G’day mate” at least once. The Australian Tourist Commission will be proud.

3. Give away free copies of autographed People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive 2008 (that would be you) issue. We think Jack Nicholson wants a copy.

4. Sing and dance. You’re an accomplished stage performer so show the world your musical chops.

5. Give Daniel Craig a hard slap on the back in front of live cameras. Surely you haven’t forgotten that Craig clinched the James Bond role ahead of you.

6. Mention Wolverine at least once. Fan boys everywhere will roar in approval.

7. While you’re at it, tear off your clothes and show the ladies the famous Wolverine’s chest hair.

8. Perform some magic tricks. You seemed to be very good at it in The Prestige.

9. Every time Jack Nicholson tries to steal someone else’s attention with a diabolical smile, stare at him like an evil mutant.

10. Yes, show us those claws of steel. Whip them out already!

What do you think? Is Hugh Jackman the right choice as host of the Oscars? Tell us in the comment box below!