By now fans of Singapore Idol would already know whose nickname is Stitch and who the Idols think are or were their biggest threat. This season of Idol has been nothing short of surprises with the addition of one more to make it Top 13 instead of Top 12 and the sudden replacement of MJ by Nurul. So when The UrbanWire met up with the Top 13, we decided that it’s time to give the contestants some very challenging questions on the one topic that Singaporeans are the experts in: Food, glorious food. Their answers sparked off several bouts of laughter, when we asked them about the food that describe them best and what they would eat as their last meal. Read on to find out more about your favourite Idol.

Q1: Tell us a fruit or vegetable that would represent you best.

Farhan: I would be a broccoli, because I’m ‘The Hair’, and broccoli has ‘bushy hair’ on top. I love green! I’ve been talking to Iskandar, the official blogger also and he was like, “Hey ‘bro…curly’ “. So, I can relate to broccoli.

Charles: Cauliflower, because at first, my hair was really flat and long. Then after the makeover it was like “whooo!”, so my friends call me.

Duane: Probably…maybe tomato? I’m round, I’m soft, I’m juicy. (Everyone laughs and applauds.)

Faizal: For me I think long beans would best describe me, because I’m tall and I have long legs.

Sezairi: I can’t think of any fruit, but if you ask me, I think I’m a fruit salad. A lot of different fruits, I can be a lot of different things but at the same time just a fruit salad. I don’t know how you would decipher that, I was actually thinking of fruit cake, but no, I’m not a fruit cake. So fruit salad with fruits like honeydew, papaya, melons, a lot of different kinds of melons, because I like melons, fuji apples.

Justin: I’m thinking like a ginger, but it’s not a fruit or a vegetable. Maybe celery, because it’s high in fibre, it’s good for your system. I’m like this health nut, [but] not nowadays, because I eat junk food. But before the show got so crazy, I go to the gym 3 times a week and I eat healthily as much as I can.

Malaque: If you were to compare me to a vegetable it would be lettuce. I think there’s a lot of layers to me, you can always find out new stuff about me. If it’s a fruit, then it’s got to be durian, because I’m really hard on the outside and soft on the inside. (Voice from behind: Yeah, but smelly too.) Yeah, it’s an acquired taste, so some people will like my smell but some people won’t like it.

Mae: Vegetable, I think like Malaque, it’d be an onion, because it’s got a lot of layers, and I cry a lot as well. For fruit I think it’d be grapes, because with age red wine gets better (Others: Awww…).

Sylvia: I hate vegetables, maybe mushroom, but I don’t eat vegetables at all. So if I’m a fruit, I think I’m a red apple, because it’s sweet.

Nurul: Cucumber! I can’t live without cucumber. I even eat it just like that without cutting it, because I’m lazy. During the Idol boot camp, I was asking around, “Anyone don’t want timun (cucumber in Malay) can give me?” Then Airi said, “Nurul you’re so cute, I give you mine.”

Amira: I’d think it’s strawberry, because it’s small and I’m small. (The other girls: Chilli padi! Small but powerful!) I’ll probably go with chili padi, small but loud and spicy!

Tabitha: I think I would be tomato, because kids in school used to call me that. I have no idea and I don’t see the connection but after P.E. (Physical Education), my whole face would be red because we were running around. So they would say, “Oh tomato face.”

Syltra: I’ve never compared myself to a vegetable or fruit! The only vegetable I eat is kang kong (water spinach), I like sambal kang kong. If I were to be a fruit, I would probably be an orange? [I’m similar in terms of] the sourness of it, I guess I’m orange.

Q2: If tomorrow is the end of the world, what’s the one food or dish that you would eat?

Farhan: To me, prawns are man’s best friend. I can’t live without prawns, because I’m a huge prawn lover. So I like them with Japanese mayonnaise on top when it’s fried and I like them baked. Tiger king prawns!

Charles: Japanese food, I like those salmon sashimi (raw slices of salmon), with a lot of wasabi (Japanese horseradish paste), the wasabi must be as big as my fist! Most people eat until they cry, but I eat it until my ears burn. I like wasabi a lot.

Duane: For me, of course before I die, I want something that I really like. I like Japanese food, and I will want a big bowl of rice with those orange salmon roe.

Faizal: For me I think I would like to have a plate of rice with chilli crab, with all the kang kong, chicken, fish, basically all the food that you get at a buffet. Because I’m going to die, so it’s better for me to eat whatever I want. And I think I would like to have sharks’ fin soup.

Sezairi: I’ve asked this for every birthday but none of my friends ever got it for me. All I want is a huge bucket of chicken wings, deep fried chicken wings. Because you know the best things are actually bad for you and I’m going to die anyway, so I might as well die eating chicken wings, than die another way.

Justin: Ayam Pongteh (a Peranakan chicken stew) because I love Peranakan food. It’s one of my favourite dishes.

Malaque: For me it’s my last day, I know I’m going to die tomorrow, I’ll eat a whole lot of chilli. I really love chilli and I really want to eat a lot of chilli and see what happens to me. I guess that will be the real reason that I die the next day. Chilli padi! (smiles at Amira)

Mae: I’d give up the rest for my mum’s cornbeef stew. Typical Eurasian dish, really easy to cook, very cheap as well, but when my mum makes it, I feel like home.

Sylvia: Mine would be[roti] prata (a type of flat Indian pancake). I keep on eating prata everyday, I’m not sick of it. I will have prata with teh (hot tea) that must be really sweet. The prata has to have cheese, or it can have ice cream, or with banana and honey.

Nurul: Even in a normal day, after I have my nasi (rice), I still need my maggi (a brand of instant noodles). I really like it, I can’t live without it. Curry flavour, and I have to cut 3 chilli padi, onion in its circle shape, that’s my favourite food.

Amira: For me it’d be my uncle’s tortilla, with chicken filling, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise and more cheese!

Tabitha: I really don’t know! Any thing that has cheese, mayo and chocolate. I can’t think of anything. I’ll probably try all three of it wrapped together in something. (Syltra: Tabitha’s boyfriend will have a hard time bringing her out.)

Syltra: For me it’d be Tom Yam (a popular spicy Thai dish) seafood. There was a week that I actually had Tom Yam everyday and I didn’t get sick of it, I love Tom Yam. The weird thing about me, and I think some of the others know, is that even for the first piano show, before I went up, I was eating fishball noodles with extra chilli. Charles was like, “Syltra, that’s Syltra for you.” Even before I work, I can eat the weirdest stuff ever. I think it’s not so much of what you eat, but the techniques that you use when you sing. So before the show, I can eat the hottest, spiciest stuff.