Ah, the sweet reminiscence of the adolescent big dream, to one day grow up and make a change to this world. HYPE chats with 4 enterprising students who hope to shake up the local creative industries like never before. Meet the next generation of Diane von Furstenberg, Gini Santos, Steve Jobs and Jeanette Winterson.

Fashionista Potential

By Nur Aini Jaffar

For most of us, fashion is another part of our life that either ends up as a self-indulgence or a bare necessity. But for fashion design student Janice Chua, fashion is her oxygen. Her unassuming and enthusiastic take towards the art is evidence that she’s cut out to be a fashion designer. More than anything else… (Read more)

Cool Ziqq

By Lee Dion

He started with doodles, “lots and lots of them” or “random ramblings”, as he calls his drawings and that has stuck with him since. Haziqq, or affectionately known as Ziqq by his friends, is an aspiring designer and his life is anything but planned… (Read more)

Master of Digital Puppets

By Liu Hongzuo

Although the traditionally accepted notion is that the pen is mightier than the sword, Ngee Ann Polytechnic final-year Multimedia Animation (MMA) student Cai Weiliang, 24, will tell you that the power of a pixel tops it all. A pixel alone is nothing more than a miniscule capsule of information. But when it is put together with millions of its kind and programmed to a razor-sharp precision… (Read more)

Ace of Words

By Nicholas Joshua Lee

The local community of playwrights, poets and novelists has always paled in comparison to bigger and more lucrative brothers like the engineering and biochemical sciences. Other than that, the small but surely growing group of logophiles and linguists remains exclusive and relatively unknown. The newest addition to this group arrives in the form of… (Read more)