Come rain or shine, sickness or health, I’d told myself: I was going to SINGfest 2010 no matter what.

Despite sniffling and sneezing nonstop from the flu I’d caught (all thanks to the fickle-minded Weather Man), I decided to take a chance and head down to Fort Canning Park last night and…




Yes, it was so unbelievably fantastic that I’m still hoarse (from all the screaming and singing I did) and a little deaf from standing too close to the speakers. And I still can’t forget that horrid smell I was subjected to while waiting in the crowd for the acts to come on… it smelled very much like that time of the month, if you know what I mean.

The show started off with local artist Inch Chua opening the music festival with songs off her new album, Wallflower, followed by The Like, a young alt-rock band who got the crowd warmed up with their feet-tapping songs like “He’s Not a Boy” and “Wishing He Was Dead”.

Inch Chua at SINGfest

Inch Chua, our local opening act

The Like @ SINGfest

We like The Like!

Aussie Orianthi snazzed the concert up with her back-bending guitar riffs and the Wonder Girls did their little dance routine, fitted in an outfit change and even spent a little time to teach the audience the You-Know-What dance.

Orianthi @ SINGfest

Orianthi breaking her back with her guitar riffs… We kid.

Wonder Girls @ SINGfest

Wonder Girls, we cheese you!

However, the one that really got the crowd going wild was Tokio Hotel. With pyrotechnics, fake leather costumes and the Humanoid bike they brought from their European tour, the German rock band had the audience thumping their fists in the air along to songs like “Dark Side of the Sun” and “Dogs Unleashed”.

Tokio Hotel @ SINGfest 2010

Raise your fists up in the air!

I even got a little teary-eyed when “World Behind My Wall” started playing. But seriously, though. Aren’t you a little warm in that costume, Bill?

Tokio Hotel @ SINGfest 2010

Machiam like from outerspace. Bill K rocking the stage in his otherworldly outfit.

And then Katy Perry, clad in a skin-tight swimsuit, literally snatched the breath out of an already breathless crowd with her numbers like “I Kissed a Girl” and “Waking Up in Vegas”. She even gave us a sneak preview of her new single, “Peacock”, which is well, as suggestive as its name sounds. No prizes for guessing what she’s referring to, that cheeky Cali gurl.

Katy Perry @ SINGfest 2010

Is that a subtle boob-grab we see?

She even brought in two “back-up” dancers from the audience for “Hot N Cold”, and bestowed upon them kisses when it was all over. Poor Russell, you’re not the only one she’s been kissing!

PS: Unfortunately, as this is a PG-rated site, we’re not able to display that scandalous kissing picture. Have another Perry picture instead!

Katy Perry @ SINGfest 2010

Oh, we could almost believe that you’re trying to touch us, Katy.

Overall, it was an absolutely delightful experience, especially sweetened by the fact that my friend is regretting that he didn’t go for SINGfest.

“How was I supposed to know that they were going to play 9 songs each? And for the the weather to be so unexpectedly decent,” he laments.

Haha, S, too bad, I say!

(Photo credits: Aloysius Lim / SINGfest 2010)