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The fourth episode of Singapore Idol 3 was one filled with tears, joy and dejection as the remaining 60 Idol contestants were cut down to 40 and then came the revelation of the Top 24.

The Idol hopefuls met with the judges individually and there their fate was decided and announced.

So who made the cut and who didn’t? Find out on the Singapore Idol Season 3 official website.

But here are some highlights for this week’s episode. While there weren’t big surprises, it surely was a teary episode with many of those not making the cut and even those who successfully fought through unable to block the tear gates.

Well, the girl who moved Florence (one of the judges) to tears singing to her grandma during the auditions failed to make the cut. A pair of brothers were also separated with one who made it through and the other falling off the top 24 ranking.

One Idol hopeful who impressed the judges during auditions and is known by “I’m not an ah lian”, the line she said to the judges before singing, was disappointed after she had problems finding the right key and following the music.

As 24 continue on their emotional journey to becoming the next Singapore Idol, keep your eyes peeled for more Idol insights on The UrbanWire.