An energetic dance by award-winning choreographer Peter Chin from Tribal Crackling Wind was showcased as part of Esplanade’s da:ns Festival
10 Nov 2009
Local filmmaker Royston Tan’s new offering, Little Note, will tug at your heartstrings while reminding you to be a little nice to your mother
10 Nov 2009
The Youth Olympic Games’ CAN! Green included dance performances, recycling of drink cans and a leisurely walk through the flora and fauna of the grounds.
10 Nov 2009
Author Neil Gaiman attended Singapore Writers Festival and displayed his talent of being a natural storyteller, enthusiastically and comedically.
10 Nov 2009
Taiwanese girl group S.H.E was in town over the weekend to launch OSIM’s new uKimono, and they showed how they knock out their fats
10 Nov 2009

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