With raving reviews and a sell-out debut tour, The Saturdays are the new face of pop music. hype puts Rochelle Wiseman of The Saturdays in the hot seat to reveal the work, the fame and the dirt.
22 Sep 2009
The typewriter and the television, one is ancient and the other is just about to be. Could it be that young people these days find themselves more hooked on the computer than the TV set for entertainment?
21 Sep 2009
The Top 13 of Singapore Idol tells UrbanWire which food describe them best and what they would eat if tomorrow is the end of the world.
19 Sep 2009
We went down to the Ben & Jerry’s Chunk Fest on Sep 12 where a dozen exclusive flavours were brought in so you wouldn’t have to cross the seas to savour them
18 Sep 2009

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