The twelfth film directed by Michael Mann, whose other notable works include The Insider and The Aviator, Public Enemies is a film that will have you glued to the screen,
25 Jul 2009
“Queen of idol dramas” Ariel Lin finally released her debut album To Meet With Happiness and managed a decent performance. However it would be wise for her to train her vocals further before giving it another shot.
16 Jul 2009
Despite his confidence and animated delivery, Mark Lee’s jokes lacked mass appeal. It’s almost impossible to get everyone to laugh at your jokes, and this fact proved evident for the most part at Mark Lee’s 100-minute stand-up comedy performance on June 14 at the Drama Centre Theatre.
Mention the name Mark Lee to most teenagers today, and their reaction will most likely be a less-than-impressed shriek, as the image of a scrawny chatty man with a pockmarked face comes to mind.
16 Jul 2009
Until 17 Jul, tryout booths for the Fifal Online 2 Asia Cup Qualifiers (Ngee Ann Polytechnic) will be set up in Ourspace, with helpers going to Makan Place and the Atrium to distribute flyers.
14 Jul 2009

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