Hollywood has an abundance of superhero figures: Superman, Spider-Man, Batman… But, Japanese pop culture had no superhero icon until one finally emerges with the movie K-20: Legend of the Mask.
10 Feb 2009
The Jan 30 release of the postings for GCE ‘O’ level holders and the impending graduation of many GCE ‘A’ level
06 Feb 2009
As with any other short story, you find yourself at the last page long before you’re fully immersed. However, in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it’s only because
03 Feb 2009
On a magnificent sea voyage across the Trackless Sea, disaster strikes and you are shipwrecked on the beaches in the untamed
02 Feb 2009
Japanese rock band, Alice Nine (アリス九號) has just released their latest album, Vandalize, and The UrbanWire dives straight into their world of
02 Feb 2009
In conjunction with Festive Films, The UrbanWire is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to the preview screening of Outlander coming up on Feb 12
02 Feb 2009

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