Wednesday saw 13 contestants of the latest American Idol season battle it out, on one of the most daring themed-weeks in the history of the show. You might have already heard the judges’ comments, but on The UrbanWire, 2 very different but loyal Idol-viewers give you their take.

The judges say it every year, but we’re agreeing with them this time round: This season of American Idol is the best season so far.

We almost want to say that this is the season of the girls– as Season 7 was the season of the teenage boys, Season 6 was simply bad (save for Blake Lewis), Season 5 was the one in which Daughtry was bamboozled, Season 4 was Carrie Underwood’s, Season 3 was the one nobody remembers, and Seasons 1 and 2 were all about Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken.

But it’s Season 8 now, and it’s the first time more than half of the contestants are worthy of our staying through the late-night, 2-hour shows. Still, this week a couple of them have broken our hearts (and hearing) with their less-than-impressive performances.

It’s going to be brutal, and it’s going to be biased – because it’s Michael Jackson week.


Danny Gokey – “Pretty Young Thing”
I’ve got to give him major props for not mentioning his dead wife in the introduction video. Hey, I’ve got a heart, but as Seacrest reminds us at the start of each show (as if the huge flashing signage at the back isn’t enough), this is American Idol. Viewers want a good voice and being known for just having a dead wife isn’t exactly Idol material. This week however, his glasses matched his shirt. And that’s about all I’m amazed by. His performance compared to the others’ was underwhelming.

Scott Macintyre – “Keep The Faith”
If he wasn’t partially blind, I wouldn’t be the least bit impressed. Perhaps the judges are seeing something in him I’m not, but he’s up against Matt Giraund, who has both a stronger voice and better piano skills (it’s probably cruel to compare, but when the stakes are this high, there’s no room for the nice guy). Everyone, go ahead and boo Simon and I for not pimping the pity votes this week. Scott’s performance fails to excite.

Michael Sarver – “You Are Not Alone”
Honestly, likeability and a pleasant voice can only get you so far. More likely, it will get you bored viewers.

(Ryan Seacrest aside)

Adam Lambert – “Black and White”
He’s this season’s Danny Noriega (Season 7) with triple the theatrics, sex appeal and confidence. It also doesn’t hurt that he has the voice to match. Who cares about his so-called scandalous photos? He’s hot, he’s current and the judges love him to no end.

He hits the right points of flamboyancy with style. Girls love him but guys claim they don’t really want to be him (read: jealous). Adam’s right in the Twilight zone, where Edward Cullen meets American Idol, meets glam-rock band, The Darkness. As Simon says, Adam’s in a league of his own.

Still, one cameraman’s extreme close up shot of his reaction to judges’ comments was a little too intense. I know that they probably love him too, but we don’t really need to see his unfortunately bad complexion for more than 5 seconds.

Alexis Grace – “Dirty Diana”
She’s cute as a button, but also sexy and soulful. As a young, single mother with an insanely adorable kid, she still manages to pull off pink-highlighted hair and a borderline-skanky outfit. Thank goodness for that powerful yet poignant tone in her voice. But I hope she goes for a slightly cleaner image, or she’ll just end up being typecasted.

Matt Giraud – “Human Nature”
It was a toss up between him and Megan Joy, but a cute, talented piano player always gets my heart, and Megan’s ridiculous ending “caw”s settled it for me. Matt’s performance is enchanting, but looks aside, I don’t get the Justin Timberlake references (more Chris Martin, maybe). Matt has way more soul, and blows me away with the smooth piano playing and even smoother voice even though he had quite a challenge coming in after Adam.


Anoop Desai – “Beat It”
Turn down the volume for this performance and it looks like a decent concert performance. Then the volume comes on. He hit the right notes about 70% of the time and there were moments where he didn’t complete his notes. A cat might have 9 lives, but Anoop Dawg definitely doesn’t have that many. There are only so many times a good YouTube video can save you.

Jorge Nuñez – “Never Can Say Goodbye”
Jorge’s attempts at being sultry and slinky are very weak. And it doesn’t help that the song he choose last night saw him out of his element. Plus, his vocals weren’t strong enough to help him stand strong. He might have to say goodbye this week.

Jasmine Murray – “I’ll Be There”
Remember 17-year-old Jasmine? Remember how she’s only 17? She’s only 17 and it looks like she’s auditioning to be part of The Jonas Sisters. She didn’t sing badly, just that she sang like she was singing for Disney Channel. Wait, that’s bad. Aside from that, we get reminded that that Randy worked with Mariah Carey.


Adam Lambert – “Black and White”
This might be only song choice that was spot-on. In Adam’s words, he is definitely “not easy listening”. But like “Black Or White”, you either love it or hate it. I love it. (I just summed up what Hui Ming said in 3 words.)

Alexis Grace – “Dirty Diana”
I didn’t know Alexis had this kind of vocal power and I wasn’t impressed with her back in the Semi-Finals. She just showed soul back then. Now, you can’t deny that this petite woman not only has soul, but the power too. She’s a chili padi, an absolute force to be reckoned with. She should be conferred the top female spot already. I don’t think it was over-the-top like the judges said. Adam might be over-the-top, but definitely not Alexis.

Kris Allen – “Remember The Time”
It wasn’t the best vocal of the night. But it’s a classic case of an Underdog coming back. It was a good decision to allow the contestants to use instruments in their performances. Remember the time Jason Castro and David Cook shone? This year, it’s Kris’ turn. It was the direct opposite of Scott’s performance, where he’s truly comfortable with the guitar. But I’ve to agree with Simon, introducing his wife just lost him “Eligible Bachelor” points with the screaming fangirls.