Step inside the Asian Civilisations Museum’s (ACM), where the transformative power of fashion comes to life at Andrew Gn: Fashioning Singapore and the World exhibition. Through carefully selected pieces and immersive displays, witness the evolution of Gn’s artistic vision and his profound impact on Singapore and the global fashion scene as The UrbanWire team brings you along the key highlights of this exhibition.

Andrew Gn: Fashioning Singapore and the World ACM Exhibition’s main entrance.
Andrew Gn: Fashioning Singapore and the World ACM Exhibition’s main entrance. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

When we first went down to visit this latest exhibition at the Asian Civilisations museum, we were impressed with its scale. There were five sections and over 100 representative works that showed the Asian and Western influences that define Gn’s signature style.

We had a discussion with Mr Kennie Ting, Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum. He shared that the design philosophy of the showcase aligns with ACM’s focus on a cosmopolitan global Singapore that embraces its heritage while integrating with the world. He emphasised the exhibition’s aim to inspire and champion young Singaporeans by showcasing that they too can achieve international success in their creative fields.

Mr Kennie Ting, Director of the Asian Civilisation Museum giving a pre-speech summary of the exhibition’s aim and ACM’s visionary focus before the start of the exhibition.
Mr Kennie Ting, Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum giving a pre-speech summary of the exhibition’s aim and ACM’s visionary focus before the start of the exhibition. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

Our next stop was the ‘In the Global Eye’ section, where you’ll be greeted with a breathtaking showcase of Andrew Gn’s creations. Feel like you have seen these dresses before? That is because Gn’s garments have graced the bodies of influential women in politics, high society and the entertainment society such as Lily Collins and Lady Gaga to Princess Alessandra of Hannover, Trust me, we were definitely starstruck after seeing the very designs up close that have adorned famous celebrities and even royalty. 

Showcase of the dresses in the ‘In The Global Eye’ section of the exhibition which features dresses that were worn by remarkable women.
Showcase of the dresses in the ‘In The Global Eye’ section of the exhibition which features dresses that were worn by remarkable women. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.
The dress on the left was worn by Emma Watson and the dress on the right was featured in the hit Netflix drama series, Emily in Paris which was worn by Lily Collins.
The dress on the left was worn by Emma Watson and the dress on the right was featured in the hit Netflix drama series, Emily in Paris which was worn by Lily Collins. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

As we strolled through the sections of ‘Envisioning Asia’ and ‘Encountering West’, we were amazed by Gn’s incredible talent and his knack for capturing the essence of both Asian and Western styles. His designs truly showcased how different cultures can come together and create something beautiful. It was a reminder to us of how interconnected we all are and how much we can learn from each other’s artistic traditions.

Given the global cultural inspiration evident in his designs, the UrbanWire team and I challenged ourselves to go around the section guessing which country inspired each of his different dresses. It was a delightful challenge as we ventured from one dress to another, trying to decipher the cultural cues and guessing the origin of each design. Do give this impromptu challenge a try at the exhibition!

Asian inspired dresses created by Andrew Gn in the ‘Envisioning Asia’ section of the exhibition.
Asian inspired dresses created by Andrew Gn in the ‘Envisioning Asia’ section of the exhibition. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.
Wide array of western inspired dresses by Andrew Gn in the ‘Encountering West’ section.
Wide array of western inspired dresses by Andrew Gn in the ‘Encountering West’ section. Photo Credit: Asian Civilisations Museum.

When you enter the enchanting realm of the ‘Natural World’ exhibition, you will be greeted by Gn’s signature butterflies, flowers, and corals on the dresses. This section is one of our personal favourites. We were mesmerised with how the dresses stood out so vibrantly against the dark backdrop, it is definitely something that you would not want to miss at the exhibition!

‘The Natural World’ section showcases nature as a major artistic inspiration for Gn.
‘The Natural World’ section showcases nature as a major artistic inspiration for Gn. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

Next, we explored the captivating world of ‘In the Studio’, where you can truly immerse yourself in Andrew Gn’s artistic journey. Gain a deeper understanding of Gn’s creative process through looking at  ideation sketches of his designs and his experimentation with materials and techniques. Best of all, this part of the exhibition is absolutely free for all ACM visitors. So, don’t miss this opportunity to get up close and personal with the remarkable artistry behind Gn’s creations.ons.

‘In the Studio’ features lush fabrics and elaborate, often hand-made embellishments.
‘In the Studio’ features lush fabrics and elaborate, often hand-made embellishments. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

Another “must try” is the interactive ‘Fashion try-on’ experience, where you can use an Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) bracelet to collect hidden motifs scattered throughout the galleries. We definitely embraced this challenge, eagerly gathering each motif to curate our own personalised outfits. The real magic happens at the augmented reality kiosks, where we could actually model and take home a picture of each of us with our unique creations!

‘Fashion Try-On’ Augmented Reality experience at the same venue as ‘In the Studio’.
‘Fashion Try-On’ Augmented Reality experience at the same venue as ‘In the Studio’. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

Feeling inspired by Gn’s designs? Unleash your creativity at the Level 2 foyer by customising your very own collar. We had fun using the vibrant array of sticker gems and coloured pencils provided to design our very own collars to bring home! It is a memorable experience that we highly recommend!

Our lead designer, Charlize, giving a shot at customising her own personalised collar.
Our lead designer, Charlize, giving a shot at customising her own personalised collar. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.
Different personalised collars displayed for reference and inspiration for people to create their own.
Different personalised collars displayed for reference and inspiration for people to create their own. Photo Credit: Elena Tay.

ACM has launched an upcoming family-friendly programme series including guided tours, lectures, and weekend festivals related to the exhibition. Some programmes include:

  • Fashion Playground: Andrew Gn Weekend Festival, 15 – 16 July
  • In Conversation with Andrew Gn: Fashion and Education, 29 May
  • Andrew Gn: Curated Tours, 30 June, 25 Aug

From international runways to red carpets, Gn’s creations have graced the most prestigious stages, solidifying his influence on the world fashion stage. Don’t miss the chance to explore this immersive journey, where art, culture, and fashion converge to create an unforgettable experience.

Andrew Gn: Fashioning Singapore and the World

Date: 27 May to 17 September 2023

Time: Daily, 10am – 7pm | Fridays, 10am – 7pm

Location: Asian Civilisations Museum