Adrianna is diabetes-prone, obsessive-compulsive, creative and enjoys hobbies few people her age subscribe to. Besides writing for TheUrbanWire, which she served as editor for 1 semester, Adrianna fancies herself an 
aspiring novelist, and is bashing away at her 
keyboard in an attempt to meet the 50,000 word count for NaNoWriMo 2009 (


Based on the 2000 anime movie of the same title, Blood: The Last Vampire is exactly about that: blood and vampires.
6 Jun 2009
After a long and competitive trek to the Singapore L’Oreal Brandstorm finals, Singapore’s representative to the International Branding contest
26 May 2009
Be wowed by Nike’s Spring/Summer 2009 Apparel! Coming Soon: Interview with national basketball player, Michael Wong!
21 May 2009
9 May 2009
The established artist, whose 2002 release, ’Dusk’, peaked at #2 on Australia’s Independent Jazz Charts, launched her album in Singapore yesterday at Golden Village Vivocity. Accompanied by an acoustic guitar, performed four songs, ’Speak of the North’, ‘Switch Off’, ‘Precious Girl’ and ‘Rise’.
8 May 2009
Take a candid picture of you or your friends eating noodles, and stand a chance to win a pair of movie passes to watch the premiere of Ramen Girl!
21 Apr 2009
We take a magnifying glass to Singapore’s upcoming drama series, Red Thread
12 Apr 2009
The Flyer turns one in April, and to celebrate, any visitor who shows valid student identification at the ticketing counter can fly for just $10.
6 Apr 2009
The Julia Gabriel Centre for learning is holding their annual Express Your Best Self contest for the third year running. And this year, it’s open to everyone
3 Apr 2009
David Archuleta is due here. You can get $6 movie tickets for a limited time. What’s there not to like about Illuma, Singapore’s latest mall to open?
30 Mar 2009