Adrianna is diabetes-prone, obsessive-compulsive, creative and enjoys hobbies few people her age subscribe to. Besides writing for TheUrbanWire, which she served as editor for 1 semester, Adrianna fancies herself an 
aspiring novelist, and is bashing away at her 
keyboard in an attempt to meet the 50,000 word count for NaNoWriMo 2009 (


Asia Uncut airs on STAR WORLD (Starhub Channel 18) on Fridays at 11.30pm with an encore on Sundays at 10pm
25 Mar 2009
One and a half years in the making, Super Junior has made their comeback with their third and newest album, Sorry, Sorry
17 Mar 2009
It was Friday the 13th, but I was anything but unlucky. The queue outside Zirca at Cannery stretched almost three corners while I waited for the show to start
14 Mar 2009
The preview of the anticipated annual marriageable manhunt was launched at Heeren last Saturday, drawing a huge crowd
8 Mar 2009
West Grand Boulevard held their first ever ticketed solo concert at the Esplanade Recital Hall on the 27th of February
5 Mar 2009