A bundle of boundless tenacity disguised by her petite stature, Alicia has a fervent passion for sports and exploration. In coping with her non-existent mechanism to keep still, this self-professed endorphin junkie thrives on working up storms of sweat – from pounding uncharted territories in her running shoes to rounds of basketball with her closest pals. Her other indulgences include solo, spontaneous adventures around the island (going wherever her heart and feet agree to) and sniffing out the latest indie coffee joints for café grub (she pledges allegiance to Forty Hands at Tiong Bahru for their exquisite truffled mushroom sandwich!). Although she’s chanced upon many intriguing nooks and crannies – a 15 minute shortcut from town to Great World City, an accidental stumble upon a red light district along Desker Rd and an old school sandbox playground hideaway along the peaceful stretch on Sixth Avenue, to name a few – on the quiet contemplations of these journeys on foot, her ultimate takeaway would be reveling in the sights, sounds and simple things in life.


Slow, patient, beautiful. Words you don’t associate with science fiction, yet they so aptly describe Her, the award-winning film about the love between a man and an operating system.
25 Feb 2014
Joining the influx of French-Japanese fusion eateries in Singapore, Miam Miam takes its food seriously while letting diners enjoy in their homely environment.
5 Feb 2014
Don’t expect servers to take your orders at Junbi, the latest brainchild by celeb couple Daniel Ong and Jaime Teo (Miss Singapore Universe 2001) who own Twelve Cupcakes.
14 Dec 2013
Getting a good cardiovascular workout with strobe lights and blaring party tunes as companion doesn’t have to happen in a club. With Run Happy 2013, the clubbing ambience is part of the enjoyable experience that lifts pounding your feet out of its usual tedium and monotony.
22 Nov 2013
4 Nov 2013