Constantly haranguing about the insipidness of humanity, Beatrice Bowers is a self-proclaimed laureate of the Singaporean lowlife. When not channelling her inner ah pek at the neighbourhood coffee shop, you may often find her battling numerous existential crises, or trying to emulate Bukowski (and failing, mostly due to her utter distaste of whiskey and dirty white Y-fronts). Beatrice seeks great comfort in her growing collection of books and felines, or throwing down under her duvet to a music library that consists of angst-ridden screaming men. She strongly believes this constitutes as a social life. Don’t try to tell her otherwise.


UrbanWire explores music trends in 2015 before they are unwittingly downloaded into your phone.
10 Mar 2015
Holland Village will undergo a revamp soon. UrbanWire explores what patrons and shopkeepers think.
5 Feb 2015
Back for the fourth time in Singapore, Avenged Sevenfold impresses with their best show here yet.
26 Jan 2015
Challenging the boundaries of passion and perfection, Whiplash turns the atypical Hollywood teacher-student film on its head
Cats The Musical is a theatrical spectacular that will have you purring with delight. Sorry, dog lovers!
11 Jan 2015
Closing the Singapore International Film Festival, Indonesian film In the Absence of the Sun presents an introspective take at self-discovery in a big city.
The Puppini Sisters high-heeled their ways into our hearts during their 1-night-only gig here
17 Dec 2014
UrbanWire chatted with Bobby Tonelli and Chua En Lai, cast members of Wayang Boy, a topical film about immigration, Chinese opera and scary principals.
25 Nov 2014
Freq’ender, the Halloween-themed dance music festival, gave us goosebumps with its wicked debut.
9 Nov 2014
Music lovers rejoice! Sundown Festival is back with a bigger line-up than before
1 Oct 2014