Having a penchant for almost anything along the lines of the arts, Charlotte has a mild obsession with Do-It-Yourself and handicraft projects. She can be working on it for hours, finding it to be extremely therapeutic in times of stress or just simply out of sheer boredom and passion. She dislikes cheese, butter and milk, but ironically enjoys the sweet pastries, ice cream and pizza all the same (guess she just needs them to be “disguised”). On first impression, this girl is an introvert and socially awkward. But mention Taylor Swift and this unabashed fangirl will happily yammer on for hours. She hopes to be The Lucky One and meet this inspirational figure of hers someday.


UrbanWire looks at some of Singapore’s best musicians coming together to celebrate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee
Up-and-coming singer-songwriter Theodora Lau tells Stefanie Yeo of HYPE that music is a big part of what she is
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Crossing generations and genres, Singaporeans take a walk down memory lane through 50 years of Singapore music
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Cooking just got easier, quicker, and fun! Find out how to make 10-Minute Meals of and Mac and Cheese, and Rice Krispies treats
15 Aug 2015
Nathan Hartono shares about his growth as a singer, life in Boston, and talents including mimicking an animated character’s voice
1 Jul 2015
Besides their new single “Take Heart”, the prolific band dishes the dirt on haters, building snowmen and a certain guitar whisperer