Just another paper cut survivor, Charlotte spends an unflattering amount of time on twitter engaging in self-deprecating humour and monologues. She occasionally squanders her youth away by devoting hours embarking on soundcloud escapades in search of tear-worthy house and trance pieces. Apart from that, the recently weight-conscious pizza enthusiast reads novels in hopes of stumbling upon what might possibly be the epiphany of life. Will work for shoes.


Adrian Pang cross dresses as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and Charlie Chaplin can’t stop talking – No, you haven’t just seen the ghosts of Christmas past, but Crazy Christmas.

3 Dec 2012
Currently on his UK, USA & Asia tour, British singer-songwriter Joe Brooks was recently in Singapore to serenade his fans with a performance at TAB.
14 Nov 2012
Feeling lonely? Don’t worry, Dream Academy brought you Company!
7 Nov 2012