Cheryl is a writer, a dancer and a sometimes singer. She is very famous…in her own head. She has written for publications such as My Paper (English) at Singapore Press Holdings and HerWorld at SPH Magazines. She had attended various government press conferences but would love to rub a little more shoulders with celebs instead. She once came face to face with Nadya Hutagalung and thinks she is gorgeous. She does believe in bragging about herself on paper. That’s the only way she jumps off a page :P


Ke$ha’s Animal looks as promising as her hit single “TiK ToK” to reign champion on music charts
8 Jan 2010
Don’t belittle 6 singing animated rodents, with the Chipettes, Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor joining the league of Alvin, Simon and Theodore
5 Jan 2010
The tough, edgy duo who screamed “All About Us” has gone soft with weak vocals in their newest album Waste Management.
23 Dec 2009
Despite being rated safe for the kiddies, Planet 51 has humour alternating between slapstick and crude with pockets of mild sexual innuendos
13 Dec 2009
After Lady Gaga’s massive success with her debut album, will she be able to replicate that effect with the 8 new singles in The Fame Monster
26 Nov 2009
One of the most prestigious accolade for creative minds in Singapore, The Designer of The Year Award, was given to Mr Chris Lee of Asylum
21 Nov 2009