I favour traditional views and values as I am conservative by nature. That however does not keep me from having an eye for controversy. I am awed by the ideology of achieving purity, untouched and undamaged, pristine.


“There is a very strange and wonderful logic to the madness. It’s like making the audience watch a train wreck but ensuring they have
11 Feb 2009
The Jan 30 release of the postings for GCE ‘O’ level holders and the impending graduation of many GCE ‘A’ level
6 Feb 2009
Smartly dressed in a striking pink t-shirt, the seasoned thespian looked like anything but a crazed-out doctor. In fact, Gerald’s personality is a sharp contrast
29 Jan 2009
27 Jan 2009
27 Jan 2009
From homosexuality to a reenactment of Annabelle Chong’s record-breaking sex act, director Loretta Chen has no qualms about provoking
24 Jan 2009
Popular radio 91.3FM personality Rod Monteiro is known for his motor mouth, but you’re less likely to know that his legs are just as fast.
16 Nov 2008
Do you really know yourself? This November, Blank Space Productions, asks you that toughie when it brings you face to face to the evil
1 Nov 2008