A girl unusually fascinated with people and culture, Denise Kang enjoys hearing the life stories of complete strangers. Not convinced that curiosity kills cats, this aspiring journalist and writer, hopes to be able to weave these life stories into a colourful book about humanity. Known to many of her friends as “the girl who can’t stop tweeting”, Denise spends an inordinate amount of time verbalising internal monologues on Twitter. A significant portion of her over 100,000 tweets are dedicated to this American Idol contestant whom she’s just a little too crazy over. A “glambert” (Adam Lambert fan) since 2009, she’s known to go to any lengths to get that little bit closer to her 6 feet tall idol. Aside from his music, Denise mainly indulges in all genres of rock. In her spare time, she could be sleeping in the strangest of places (like under the table) and tormenting those around her with her (usually) off-key renditions of her favourite songs.


Girl power in this film comes in the form of 3 vastly different women driven by their thirst for vengeance.
What does a girl-next-door decked in hip-hop gear, a fashionista who resembles a Gryffindor student and Dementor with a lollipop, and a tutu-donning, whip-wielding cat woman have in common?
20 Mar 2014
These enemies seem bent on destroying the Doctor, but what if the show’s frontrunner Steven Moffat decided to have these villains turn on each other instead?
Those who write off the play The Woman in Black as the stage version of the eponymous 2012 film starring Daniel Radcliffe in his first movie role after the Harry Potter series, have it all backwards.
12 Dec 2013
It’s tempting to write this musical revue off as something for the upper class, but be surprised by how accessible the show was, even if your grasp of French extends only to mispronounced escargots.
3 Dec 2013
To secure sister Hye-in’s release from labor camp in Commitment, North Korean Myung-hoon (Choi Seung-hyun, better known as “T.O.P”) must undergo years of grueling training before risking his life to spy on their Southern neighbor.
They hated each other the first time they met 4 years ago, but these days the “enemies” are working together happily to make their bar invasion tour happen.
These are the 5 “must read” books recommended by the director of Singapore Writers Festival, Paul Tan.
30 Oct 2013
This celebration of horrors isn’t indigenous to Singapore, but there are a plethora of Halloween-themed events to go this year. Here at UrbanWire, we help you decide which haunted trail you should go to.
27 Oct 2013
UrbanWire had a chat with accordionist Martynas Levickis. If you’ve heard an accordion play an intriguing version of Lady Gaga’s chart-topping “Telephone”, you’ve heard him before.
25 Oct 2013