Denise’s natural habitat is in front of screens, be it the silver screen or computer one. Armed with drinks in hand, she enjoys films like Moulin Rouge and The Fall, though she is particularly fond of sci-fi films like Star Trek. At other times, she can be found reading magazines like GQ, for their interviews of her favourite celebrities.At other times, you’ll find her engrossed in her favourite science fiction/fantasy novels, like American Gods by Neil Gaiman, and occasionally, channelling her inner child through books like The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. Born with a food addiction and blessed with a fast metabolism, Denise is also usually found with a snack in hand and her next meal plan in mind. A certified diver, she enjoys taking diving trips with her family to neighbouring countries like Indonesia and Malaysia to see the little creatures that roam the bottom of the ocean. Her favourite memory is of the manta rays circling her as she dived off the shores of Thailand.


The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is one of the hottest chillies in the world, and if you think you can take it, you’re invited to take up the challenge at Wings Word, where the crispiest wings you’ll find is coated and dunked in it.
12 Mar 2014
A super CIA analyst, Jack Ryan isn’t a Casanova like James Bond or suave like Ethan Hunt, neither does he have kickass stunts like those in the Bourne series. Instead, this character created by bestselling thriller author Tom Clancy is an ex-marine with a head full of numbers.
With a 12-metre wall as backdrop, 4 acrobats parkour (a discipline that practices moving from 1 point to another as efficiently as possible) upwards almost effortlessly, their muscles rippling under the spotlights. Welcome, not to Cirque du Soleil, but to the musical Notre Dame de Paris.
25 Dec 2013
You wake up disoriented and trapped in a room with severed limbs served on silver trays. It’s no vivid post-Halloween nightmare, but woe to you if you can’t escape from the carnivore’s lair.
Takahiro Morita might have come from one of Japan’s most popular boy bands, but now he stands together with another group, One Ok Rock.
25 Nov 2013
Banned as reading material in many American schools, Carrie, actually carries a sobering message for bullies – make life hell for the freak and you could literally burn.
Decked out in vintage furniture from a time of rickshaws and coal-powered trains, Chaitime throws its customers back to colonial days with its rustic setting and wholesome chai drinks.
7 Jun 2013
The MTV Show is back with its new ways, new VJs and a whole new season.
19 Apr 2013
He pulls on a sleeveless black top and begins striding across the carnival grounds, entering a big top tent with a flaming red leather jacket to the enthusiastic screams of fans. It looks like a clip out of a rock star’s biographical film, but Luke (played by 4-time Golden Globe award nominee, Ryan Gosling) is a different kind of badass- a motorcycle stunt performer.
7 Apr 2013
If people who rappel down mountain slopes are daredevils, what do you call those who do this while running across sheer cliff faces in winter, and clashing swords with a team of ninjas hot in pursuit?
6 Apr 2013