Eileen is an eccentric, anal individual who has profound interest in Johnny Depp and the likes of similarly charming men, blogging, poetry, fashion (or at least what makes her look good) and writing. She harbors the intention of becoming either a journalist or a copywriter (of which both, please note, are very anal retentive people), and seeks to publish a book detailing her colorful life when she is nearing her deathbed, or at least when she can’t brandish her mascara wand with fervor anymore. She personally loves to write, but likens the writing process to taking a dump. You struggle to expel all that goodness, heave a sigh of relief when it’s all done, but feel slightly empty after that. In other words, UrbanWire will be her main form of release, following which, once overflowing with sh… goodness she means, her blog will be another outlet she turns to. Told you she was eccentric. :D


Angels, ghouls and vampires dragging along their brides. We’ve seen them all at Halloween parties that if Frankenstein were to pop up
30 Oct 2008
Love, homosexuality and Catholicism. These themes surface in Brideshead Revisited, a film adaptation of the acclaimed 20th century novel
Accessories splayed out on tables. Shoes piled up in a stack. Hangars thrown everywhere. Clothes spilling out of suitcases. You would think this scene was taken from a runaway bride’s room. Well, that’s where you’re wrong…
26 Oct 2008
Great indie-electric music. Cheap, chilled booze. Kick-ass bargains and buys. You’d be grinning as widely as a Cheshire Cat if offered 1 of the 3, but all 3?
26 Oct 2008
When we ladies want to make a fashion statement, we usually think “clothes”. Well, how about playing with something closer to our hearts?
18 Oct 2008
Helmed by acclaimed Hollywood director Wayne Wang, Last Holiday is a feel-good comedy about a woman whose entire life revolves around
12 Oct 2008