I am different things to different people: devil’s spawn to my family, nerd to the jolly people of MCM, and girl with the sparkly headband to the little tot next door. I like to think I have, in the wise words of Miss Hannah Montana, “The best of both worlds” – ingenuity, coupled with a wicked sense of humour, but let’s not go that far. I am a quiet person who enjoys quiet hobbies. I love to read – tabloids, novels, back of shampoo bottles, anything I can lay my hands on, really. I like to cook. Although whether or not I can cook, is debatable. I am also a huge music junkie. A peek into my iPod will see the likes of Travis, The Kooks, British Sea Power and The Decemberists, but I’m not exactly finicky when it comes to the type of songs I listen to. Most of the time, Britney Spears and her digitally enhanced vocals suits me just fine.


6 hours of enduring multiple needles scratching onto raw skin, 2 weeks of healing time, and a cost of $500. That’s what Darrell Yang’s paid to have a black and white tattoo of his baby daughter on his forearm.
2 Mar 2009
Admit it, a giant lollipop kneaded into the shape of your name is pretty cool and you can get these custom-made lollies and rock candies at Sticky
12 Feb 2009
As with any other short story, you find yourself at the last page long before you’re fully immersed. However, in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it’s only because
3 Feb 2009
Shirtless fight scenes, passionate kisses and a tantalising strip tease – Transporter 3 is obviously written with the ladies in mind.
For a 104-minute feature about a jaded, elderly man, The Visitor is neither mawkish, dated, nor as boring as one may expect. Instead, it’s thought provoking, refreshing and full of life.
She was queuing for Hock Lam Teochew Beef Noodle while a plate of Hill Street char kway teow and 2 rolls of Kway Guan Huat’s popiah
24 Nov 2008
Some time between now and Armageddon, someone will decide to do away our advanced telecommunication network and replace it
His skin, the colour of burnt amber, weeps profusely at the scorching ministrations of the sun’s fiery touch. He toils the hard, unyielding earth daily
6 Nov 2008
If humanly possible, Smoke will make you laugh, cry, as well as scratch your head thoughtfully and go, “hmm…” at the same time.