A firm disbeliever in growing old, Gerald typically has his head up in the clouds and is terribly adept at building castles out of thin air. He is comforted by visually appealing things, and attempts to preserve what is good and what is right in his life with his photographs. Atrocious psychomotor coordination skills have left him with little choice but to consume music, rather than create. Despite already resigning to his fate, Gerald still secretly hopes to wake up and find that musical talent has blossomed within him overnight.


After a 2-year hiatus from rap, Kid Cudi returns with his third studio album, Indicud. The 29 year-old has bid farewell to brother and mentor Kanye West’s label, GOOD Music, and fills the role of being his own producer for the very first time.
4 Jun 2013
New York punk rockers Yeah Yeah Yeahs are back with their fourth album, Mosquito.
18 May 2013