HYPE is an entertainment and lifestyle magazine published by m:idea. Circulation: 4,000 copies bi-annual. Distribution: 30 F&B/Retail Outlets all over Singapore.


Singapore’s literary scene has often been one that is shrouded in mystery for the average Singaporean. HYPE finds out the reason behind the stigma against local literature
9 Sep 2016
Disco Hue rocks the Singapore iTunes charts, and is on its journey to success.
5 Sep 2016
Sezairi Sezali returns after a 6-year break and HYPE sits down with him to uncover the intimate details behind his new EP!
22 Aug 2016
YONG CINDY speaks to De Fam who is set on bringing girl power back to Malaysia by daring to be different
Vanilla Bean and Cookies and Cream can step aside. JOLAINE CHUA gets the scoop on deliciously local ice cream flavors
3 Sep 2015
Boy-next-door folk-rock sensation Charlie Lim talks to SANDRA OF HYPE about his new double EP, and the reality of a musician’s life
1 Sep 2015
Up-and-coming singer-songwriter Theodora Lau tells Stefanie Yeo of HYPE that music is a big part of what she is
30 Aug 2015
Stacey of HYPE finds out why The Great Spy Experiment finally goes their separate ways after a decade together
24 Aug 2015