If daydreaming was a profession, Jeremy would be the guy for the job. Guilty of being caught in his own thoughts on countless occasions, he’s convinced that over-thinking is his area of expertise. Food is, no doubt, the way to his heart and he strongly believes an extra section exists in his stomach just for coffee and desserts. A proud music lover, he spends approximately three quarters of his life listening to music, whether it’s enjoying a private concert on bus rides, watching his favorite bands (Paramore, Tonight Alive, All Time Low, and many more) jamming on stage, or merely discovering new music within the multiple Youtube tabs on his browser. As for his personal musical journey, he spends his spare time happily hitting his drum kit while dreaming of the day when he’s finally seating behind a rock band and keeping the beat alive.


In a more simplistic musical jargon, the closest description of The Steve Mcqueens’ music would be Jazz-Funk with influences from the likes of Amy Winehouse, James Brown, and Theonlonius Monk.
29 Jan 2014
If baptism represents a public renunciation of your old self, then Baptized, the fourth studio album of Daughtry is most aptly named.
15 Dec 2013
Armed with only 2 guitars, Chris Carrabba drove many in his audience to the brink of tears when he wore his heart on his sleeve while serenading the audience with his heartfelt and sentimental lyrics during his solo acoustic show at the Shine Auditorium on Dec 4.
12 Dec 2013
“Here in Singapore, it really feels like summer forever,” said Megan Nicole as she kicked off her first stop in her world tour.
19 Nov 2013