A dreamer by day and a worker by night. You can find Jing Wei up in the wee hours working on one of his many pet projects. Armed with his trusty DSLR, Jing Wei goes about capturing just about anything that intrigues him. His innate love of light chasing or everything art is the reason why he is a self-professed hipster with a music taste that goes way back to the 70’s. You wouldn’t be surprised to see him jamming along with bands like REO Speedwagon. He is also a technical nerd inclining towards film and wouldn’t mind chatting about the beauty of film cinematography, the unique styles of directors like David Fincher or just simply raving over legends like Roger Deakins or Emmanuel Lubezki. Jing Wei specializes in graphic design, videography and photography.


These godowns or warehouses lining this part of the Singapore River offered back-breaking employment to new immigrants.
13 Aug 2016
Accidental playwright Helmi Yusof tackles deep-seated stereotypes in his debut play.
24 Jul 2016
The Hollywood veteran is selling less tickets now but his recent films are every bit as watchable.
The Singapore director and Taiwanese actor hit it off on the set of omnibus film Distance.
The 8th Pink Dot continued to see strong support for LGBT community as conservatives sought to have their concerns heard.
14 Jun 2016