Lover of slow life and a food enthusiast, Jovita Ang seeks comfort in homemade delight even if it means slow cooking chicken stew for up to 8 hours. The ultimate shopping experience for her does not include the perfect leather jacket or Pandora charms, but 3 luggage worth (or more) of dining ware and fresh produce. She sees bedtime as a fast forward to breakfast and enjoys music but ironically has zero tracks in her iTunes. A dancer since 13 with no plans to ever stop, she secretly wishes that she has the brains of Sherlock and vocals of Adele, but is contented with life nonetheless. Right now, a wood-fired oven would be the perfect gift for her.


Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. But for some, it’s no longer a matter of choice.
28 Feb 2015
Post-grunge quartet Hoobastank is back with a vengeance, playing out an impressive set.
27 Jan 2015
Singapore’s top bento artist proves why it isn’t all that bad to play with your food
14 Jan 2015
Checkpoint Theater’s The Way We Go challenges everything you think you know about love.
1 Dec 2014
Theater actress Chng Xin Xuan reveals a candid side of her, including her early days of acting as a falling paper.
14 Nov 2014
New ice-cream café, Rabbit Owl Depot, takes gelato making seriously.
11 Nov 2014