Meet Keziah, your local Sanrio lover who can’t resist all things girly and cute, especially coquette outfits. Though she claims to be financially responsible, Taobao remains her greatest weakness. In addition to producing content and managing our social media channels, she enjoys editing videos featuring her latest shopping hauls. She’s actively pursuing her dream of owning a house in Bukit Timah. How, you may ask? By purchasing lottery tickets every month and praying for the best.


TheUrbanWire reignites the age-old debate between local and overseas universities in Singapore. As students weigh in on their post-graduation aspirations and the advantages of each option, gain firsthand insights into their considerations when choosing between local and private institutions.
28 Feb 2024
Join The UrbanWire as they speak to students about their perspectives on the recent GST hike to 9%.
8 Jan 2024