An Americano a day and booze on the weekends keep Chastina going strong. As the resident music junkie, you’ll find Chastina with earphones in 24/7, either rocking out to tunes or just blatantly ignoring you. Armed with a blunt attitude, sarcasm and sass are part and parcel of Chastina’s daily life. Don’t be mistaken though, Chastina’s actually nice – she just doesn’t seem like it. Her natural blank face probably doesn’t help as well but once you know her, it’s a whole different story. You may find Chastina with her head in the clouds at times, she’s a dreamer – but she works for those dreams. Chastina may look like a lady in a skirt and makeup but she can do a 180 switch real quick if you get on her bad side. Chastina’s dreams are to way too big to share so let’s just leave it as that.


The Korean YouTube sensation is marking his decade-long career soon and he’s not even 20 yet.
The injury-prone singer from pop group Little Mix performed in Singapore despite a bad ankle sprain.
21 Jun 2016