Shi Ying has written press releases, magazine one-liners, thank you notes, 
apologies, confessions, idiotic poetry and letters of complaint. She likes brunch, meeting new people and buying shoes and is always curious, easily intrigued and probably thinks about way too many things all at the 
same time. Shi Ying plans to continue writing about anything and everything she can,
 until the day she has no more words to describe the world.


Life’s a ride for Benjamin Say, defending champion of the Mens Wakeboard Freeride in the West Side Jam. UrbanWire chats with this rising wakeboarding star
28 Feb 2010
While out doing last-minute Christmas shopping, you can drop by Heineken Boutique Bar to grab a beer and a chance to win Fred Perry vouchers
22 Dec 2009
These days, John Mayer is popular just for being popular. He’s everywhere. The media closely watches the details of his relationships, life and music career, and his online presence is phenomenal –
30 Nov 2009
Blackmarket’s inaugural standalone fashion show is a visual feast and a fashion experience like no other.
17 Nov 2009
Ben & Jerry’s newest flavour of ice cream, Chocolate Macadamia, goes beyond being fun and tasting good. It’s a cup (or cone) of love and social responsibility.
27 Mar 2009