Weixin’s interested to learn and know more about people, cultures, and the world. So, living abroad temporarily is something she’d like to do one day. Planning her next meal is what’s on her mind mostly, and on days where she’s out and about, she people-watches and relish in taking photos of street cats.


The UrbanWire looks at Pongal festival in Singapore with visits to Sri Thendayuthapani temple and the festival carnival at Campbell lane.
18 Jan 2016
Sinseh: The Grocery: an ice cream/dessert storefront and a mini grocery store within
9 Dec 2015
Sakura International Buffet’s Seafood Bucket: Likely the best value seafood bucket in town
21 Nov 2015
Cirque du Soleil’s Totem’s impressive acrobatic acts, intricate costumes and live music didn’t quite work together to tell the story of human evolution
5 Nov 2015