What’s a biography, a miserable little pile of secrets, of course! I jest, I jest. In case you’re wondering, I like doing that a lot- guess that’s something to start off with. I like reading sci-fi, technology and wasting time with games, but not all 3 at the same time, because that’s not exactly productive, or safe. Reading was a habit cultivated through boredom, graveyard-shift part- time jobs, and some interest in the written word. Science fiction’s my personal cup of tea, with a little serving of suspense on the side and a pinch of a utopian-post-apocalyptic feel, (Think Earth Abides). Technology and games were no surprise. Heck, everyone gets bored easily these days, and these 2 are to our times what fire trucks and lego blocks were to the 90s, just more useful and less of a choking hazard. I firmly believe that the Dreamcast and Shenmue can still make most of the stuff today play like Superman 64. I also firmly believe that I tend to lose people around this point. Though, hopefully, you’ll be sticking with me for a little more than that ;)


Don’t expect to be blown away by Nicolas Cage’s latest film, Season of the Witch.
Some games are born for button-mashing. These games are born for motion.
22 Dec 2010
There was no moon, no sandy beaches, but guests at Singha’s Full Moon Party were just as hyper at the F1 pit building on Nov 20.
23 Nov 2010
One Moment of Glory’s Grand Finals was nothing short of a rollercoaster ride filled with suspense, excitement and adrenaline
The Black Eyed Peas come full circle, following up to their smash hit The E.N.D with The Beginning.
5 Jan 2010