A reclusive character who hides behind the pen (or keyboard, rather), Nicholas believes it to be mightier than the sword, as they say. He loves cars (at both ends of the speed spectrum, and technological marvels like hybrids), music (preferring rock/pop, though he’s fallen into the Korean pop trap recently), and above all, intellectual discussions about anything that matters. Oh, and he eats quite a lot, but can stay trim with little to no effort, to the chagrin of some people he knows. He has such a relaxed and inoffensive personality, to the point that he is sometimes described as placid and uncaring. Don’t take this an invitation to test his limits, though, because he does get angry. Which will see him ranting, finding flaws in the other party and digging up past injustices. The former intern at The Straits Times would say more, and prove himself to be a really tolerant and accepting person, as his friends would say. That is, if he can be coaxed out…


Korean group Super Junior on Singapore Fans and cross-dressers
2 Feb 2011
As we round off the first decade in the new millennium, UrbanWire decides to look back at how far technology has come in just 10 years. All we can say is Whoa!
26 Dec 2010
A healthier alternative dessert – Soyato’s flavoured frozen soy
9 Dec 2010
The new Take That album experiments with new sounds and proves an enjoyable listen.
5 Dec 2010
Fujitsu rounds out 2010 with 2 new laptops.
Can old spies kick butt before they kick the bucket? Bruce Willis says an emphatic yes in RED