Though she was born in 1993, a little too small, with just sparse bits of fluff on her head, Nora, middle named Lee, has grown to be a little too tall, with more than enough hair to make her look like she’s wearing a wig. Physical features aside, Nora Lee is quirky, giggly and smiley (until provoked). She’s also, weird (in a good way) and opinionated (in a bad way). She often she gets carried away with her strong views about seemingly random things such as how corn should be eaten with butter and never sugar, and therefore, popped corn HAS to be salted, and sweet popcorn is just ‘ugh’. Also, Nora Lee enjoys varying genres of music – every day is contrastive, so one has to listen to different genres of music to suit their mood, no? Besides, she can’t decide which one she likes most. The same goes for the TV shows or movies she enjoys. Ask her “What TV shows do you like?”, and she’ll make particular mention of Breaking Bad, 30 Rock and Community. Her favourite word to say aloud is “appom”. Try saying it yourself. Heehee.


Ramadan celebrations in Singapore.
27 Aug 2013
Student by day, DJ and producer by night. Homegrown 18-year old Manfred Lim aka Myrne released his first electro-house music and remix EP titled Revolution.
4 Aug 2013
White House Down suffers from what we call “Second Movie Syndrome”. This happens when 2 movies with similar premise are released within months of each other causing the later movie to suffer.
Man Of Steel may have loads of heart-thumping action scenes, beautifully rendered set pieces, especially on Krypton, but hasn’t his story been done enough?
Back for his third show in Singapore on May 22 at Timbre @ Gillman, third time’s a charm for the British singer-songwriter Joe Brooks.
4 Jun 2013
Imagine this. The once magnificent Enterprise, now worn out and damaged after having had her guts blown out by the sleek, fully armed USS Vengeance, floating calmly in pitch-black space awaiting her doom. One final blow from the Vengeance – now temporarily out of power thanks to it’s stow-away Scotty (Simon Pegg) – and all her passengers will be obliterated.