Diyana is trained in charming Starbucks baristas for more matcha [green tea powder] in her 
green tea frappuccino. Secretly, she’s really a big kitten in a human body, loves hugs and can get very playful if she’s comfortable enough with you. Long walks, good reads, family, friends, rich coffee and the smell of the 
airport are just some of the things that will make her purr. Sitting in the
bus facing other passengers allows her to indulge her people-watching addiction, that is when
her mind isn’t wandering towards erratic topics like the fragility of 
lucidity. Interning at Youth.SG was super awesome. And I mean awesome as in awesome awesome awesome kinda awesome. Nuff’ said. Oh, and she loves snuggling up to her 7 cats at home when they sleep.


Battle the sinful Christmas calories with yummy organic recipes that taste as good, if not better, than the usual ambrosia of this jolly season
23 Dec 2009
A night filled with twinkling fireworks and beautiful Christmas tree to bring the spirit of Christmas to VivoCity for the month of December.
4 Dec 2009
Think museums are dusty places for the geeks? Think again! Museums just got hipper with the I Love Museums campaign hitting town a few weeks back.
30 Nov 2009
Edgy fashionistas, get ready to kick off your shoes and lace up with the 33 thirty three shoe boutique that launched in town on Oct 30.
23 Nov 2009
With a mob of messy curls, rotund cheeks and an easy laughter, Datuk Mohamad Nor Bin Khalid, or better known as Lat, is the splitting image of the adorable Mat, the main character in his bestseller – The Kampung Boy.
20 Nov 2009
Fans were applauding and catcalling after every number, some even giving a standing ovation during Michael Jackson’s This Is It movie premiere
30 Oct 2009