If you meet Rachel for the first time, chances are you will be surprised at how skinny she is. But don’t worry, she eats well and just has an extremely high metabolism. Other than writing and taking photos, she is also an ardent nail painter and might consider opening a nail salon if her journalism career does not take off. Rachel also has a one-sided love affair with furry felines, please do not judge her when you see her attempt to get a cat’s attention on the streets.


Although positive strides are being made in society, anyone born disabled still faces incredible challenges. UrbanWire profiles 2 such men who overcame the odds.
12 Jan 2016
Gabriele Muccino’s Fathers and Daughters is not quite the internationally acclaimed standard from The Pursuit of Happyness, but it suffices.
We’re beginning to get tired of Hollywood remakes
Don’t call us foreign talent, says local band Farrago, one of the highlights in the Skechers Sundown Festival
21 Nov 2015
From their new menu we’ve picked a couple of faves that aren’t pies or coffee.
9 Nov 2015
Supernatural film starring Nicolas Cage is basically a slightly scarier version of Taken.
8 Oct 2015
Inside Out reveals how the mind works in a light-hearted and amusing manner, Pixar style.