The final-year Mass Communication student in Ngee Ann Polytechnic possesses a very active imagination and a sizeable DVD collection, which she spends an unhealthy amount of time with. Her greatest adventure so far was making the perilous journey to the supermarket, where she had to interact with intimidating strangers.


Red Dog proves itself to be a man’s best friend.
15 Oct 2011
Is thriller movie Dream House the latest scare-fest?
10 Oct 2011
Hugh Jackman’s latest movie offers a pleasant surprise.
30 Sep 2011
Does this science fiction space thriller live up to its hype?
23 Sep 2011
SERENE LOW bids a final farewell to the J.K. Rowling franchise, which has garnered millions of fans and transcended language boundaries to amaze children and adults alike.
Teaming up with film-making legend Steven Spielberg, director J.J Abrams’s latest offering provides a unique spin to sci-fi.
New TV series, Sherlock, updates the beloved sleuth extraordinaire, finds Serene Low.
Cambridge graduate Hugh Laurie takes his talent to a whole new level, by releasing his debut blues and jazz album.
10 May 2011
Possibly Heath Ledger’s finest performance in his entire career, it’s a real shame this is the last we’ll ever see of his psychopathic clown.
29 Jul 2008