Preferring to go by his initials DX, Tan DingXiang is a extremely inquisitive when it comes to technology and entertainment. A Wikipedia administrator since 2006, he is never seen without his Macbook and phone… well, almost.


The owners of the Eat Your Kimchi blog meet The UrbanWire once again – this time, they’re bigger and bolder.
26 Sep 2013
Singaporeans VIPs got a piece of YG-mania right on their shores, as South Korean pop group Big Bang stopped over for the Southeast-Asian leg of their 2012 world tour.
The Singaporean YouTuber with the annoying eyebrows and faux British accent tells UrbanWire about life on YouTube, as well as his views on Amos Yee and the Aaron Tan vs. Steven Lim duel.
23 Feb 2012
UrbanWire meets League of Legends design director Tom Cadwell, who tells us what goes into making great games and what to avoid.
1 Feb 2012
UrbanWire revisits 4 Singaporeans who became Internet sensations in 2011, knocking teen singer Rebecca Black, the Nyan Cat, Bronyism, or even taxidermist Chuck Testa from their pedestals of internet fame.
Visitors were treated to a showcase of locally-made games and a showdown between Singaporean and Chinese gamers at Singapore GameFEST.
10 Dec 2011
Science Centre Singapore’s latest permanent installation will have you gawking at awe at yourself – more precisely, your very own innards.
12 Nov 2011
Win Cowboys & Aliens movie premiums!
4 Aug 2011
The death of Amy Winehouse takes The UrbanWire into a closer look at 27 Club, where its members all died at 27.
27 Jul 2011
Win in-season passes to Brighton Rock in cinemas!
20 Jul 2011