Time Lords who whisk through space in police boxes/ Heroes who are damn sure to avenge the Earth/ Glam rockers in spandex and leopard prints/ These are a few of my favourite things. Strange attachments to fictional characters, questionable music taste and corny not-so-pop culture references aside, Chyi Hui (read: ‘chee-hwei’) would also much rather you address her as ‘Chai’. This involves a lengthy story about embarrassing mispronunciations from many moons ago, a story that nobody really needs to know. The former editor of HYPE magazine spends much of her time watching sitcoms, crime serials, and angry chefs, talking to herself on twitter and inundating her instagram feed with poseur photos of her ungrateful Labrador Retriever, Ollie. She also finds that talking about oneself in the third person is rather grating, more so than talking about oneself in the first, and will thus stop.


After 55 years, have the Grammys lost all credibility? Has it finally succumbed to the commercialisation of creativity and art, or has it just become insufferably boring?
24 Feb 2013
For almost 5 decades, Donald E. Westlake’s Parker novels have thrilled fans of the pulp noir genre with a villainous protagonist that was less suave-Danny-Ocean, more killing-for-a-cause-Dexter.
13 Feb 2013
Jersey Boys isn’t just the story of the biggest band before The Beatles. It’s a story of loyalty, friendship and love, and all the problems that come with it.
26 Nov 2012
Two married couples meet to discuss a fight between their sons and gradually degenerate into children themselves in a play steeped with biting sarcasm and cynicism in God of Carnage.
21 Nov 2012